Friday, June 30, 2006

Met with Roger about new form

Roger was over this morning and I had a chance to talk with him about the proposed fix for the form. I was really torn on this one. I just want the whole project done, but it needs to be guaranteed against cracking. I even put it to him. If this was his back yard, what would he do. He said he would probably have them come out, tear it out, and do it correctly.

Roger got on the phone with the cement people and they came up with a 'pin' solution that would pin the two pads together, then they would guarantee it against cracking. I ok'd that solution and he took off.

After going inside and talking it over with Teresa, we decided to have them tear it out and re-pour the pad. It came down to the fact that it currently wasn't what we has asked for, or paid for.

I called Roger back and told him that after talking it over with Teresa we had decided to go with the tear-out/re-pour solution. It was only about 10 minutes after he left so it shouldn't have been an issue. I still feel bad about it. :(


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