Thursday, April 27, 2006

Finally, the rebuilding has begun

Today, two guys where here to put the new skimmer into the torn out section, and install the new pool filter and pump, along with new PVC pipes connecting them. While they were here they also added a new cleaner line for the Barracuda G3. Kind of interesting that we never got a call that they were showing up this morning.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Plumbing portion approved

Today we got a call from Tina saying that we are approved for the plumbing portion of the remodel to commence. We are supposed to be getting a call in the next few days with the date and time that the workers will show up.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Let the teardown begin

This morning the teardown crew showed up and started, what else, tearing down the pool. This included removing the 6" raised diving board section and removing all the plaster from the interior of the pool. Don't worry, the 6" section is coming back, along with the diving board, but the section was cracked pretty bad so we're having it replaced.

Although watching them tear out the portion of the deck was fun, the real intersting portion was watching them remove the plaster from the interior of the pool. With a combination of jackhammers and impact hammers, the worked their way through the pool until it was down into the cement foundation.

While jackhammering the raised section, they broke a 3" chunk off of the remaining pool deck.

I also talked with Tina today about the company not showing up Friday to drain the pool, and how I had to rent a pump and do it myself. She was actually very nice about it and said to give Roger (my Shasta 'foreman') the bill and Shasta will credit our account.