Friday, May 19, 2006

Crew shows up walks around, then leaves

Well, today a Shasta crew showed up, walked around the pool, then promptly left after about 10 minutes.

I called Courtney and found out that the wrong crew had been sent out, and they had the wrong size jackhammer. Not quite sure what they need a jackhammer for at this point, but ok.

Here's the funny part. All that happened in the AM. In the PM, Courtney called back and talked to Teresa. She said she was calling to set up the tile appointment. Teresa nicely pointed out that WE WERE STILL WAITING FOR THE FORM AND POUR TO BE COMPLETED!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

New CSR, Form is still screwed up

Today my new CSR Courtney called. Apparently Tina didn't quite work out. Courtney said we were now cleared for the waterline tile to be done. Trying to be nice, but get my point across, I asked how they were going to put tile on cement that hasn't been poured yet. :) I know I should have been nicer since Courtney is new, but unfortunately she's getting my frustration that is left over from Tina. Sorry Courtney.

Courtney ended up calling back later today to tell us the guys would be back on Friday to fix the form.

No, no one has been back yet. I just wanted a fresh set of photos to show what needs to be done. Roger and I walked through the forms and he used red paint to indicate what needs to be changed.