Friday, April 14, 2006

Had to call my Shasta salesman today

Unfortunately I've been trying to contact Tina off and on all week without any success. She's not even returning my phone calls. I finally called Thom (my salesman) since I couldn't get a hold of anyone else. We're spending way too much money on this remodel to not have anyone ignore us about the fungus and spores in the pool. It's disgusting! He's assured me that someone will contact me no later than Monday about not being able to clean the pool anymore.

I really do feel bad about calling him and bothering him on Good Friday, but something has to be done.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Return of the green lagoon

Ok, now I'm pissed. It's still been hot out, and the slime and crap has come back to the pool. I went ahead and shocked it again, but this is getting rediculous. I'll call Tina again in the morning, since she never returned me call from earlier this week.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Called Tina today

Today I called Tina (again, my Shasta CSR) to tell her about the pool. There was no answer so I left a message. As of right now, I've had no call-back.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Bartosch Pond

I came home from work today and Teresa was rather upset. Apparently since it's been around 110 degrees lately AND since our pool pump/filter system doesn't work anymore, our pool has turned into a slough of green and brown floating slime. We were both worried about the dogs, especially Buddy. If there's water, he'll swim in it, no matter how bad it is.

I went ahead and threw 10 bags of shock into the pool and it appeared to help. After a half hour the slime had disolved and only a discoloration of the bottom and sides of the pool remained.