Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Cement Truck shows up

Well, like we didn't expect this to happen, but at 06:30am the front doorbell rang. The pour guys were here with a cement truck ready to pour the new pads...EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE INCORRECT!!!!

As it ends up, I screwed up and left the sprinklers on last night. Since 3 of the zones are destroyed this left a swampy mess in all of the new forms. Turns out that this was a lucky mistake since they couldn't pour with all the mud.

Roger showed up at around 07:20 and agreed that the forms were done incorrectly. He was actually suprised to find out there had been there at 06:30 to pour, and had left. Apparently they weren't supposed to show up until he had released the form for pour.

We walked the incorrect forms and Roger spray painted the ground on where they were supposed to be.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The form guys where here

Today the concrete form guys were here. Overall they did a decent job. Ah, who am I kidding. The did a crappy job on every aspect of the form.

  1. They left the 6" raised section off about 6' over to the side. Talk about looking terrible. I had to call Roger (my Shasta supervisor) about this one. I felt bad about calling his cell phone, but I can't trust Tina to give him the message. Roger said he would be here in the AM to approve the pour, so he could take a look at the incorrectly formed sections.
  2. They didn't form the swing pad, even though they edged it with the pick axes.
  3. The barbeque pad was much larger that agreed upon. This one I was obviously ok with. :)
  4. The firepit pad wasn't formed correct. It was about half as big as agreed upon.
  5. For some reason they require 6" between pads. When I requested the new decking to be added, I wanted it added adjacent to the current deck. I'm not sure why this is happening, but I think the space between the pads my just grow on me.
  6. So much for my newly installed sprinkler system. Even though all my sprinkler lines were at least 6"-8" underground, they found a way to break every one that was near where they were creating the new decks. 3 of them total, which is the whole southern half of our backyard.