Thursday, June 08, 2006

Still no call from Roger

Just documenting that today we still didn't get a call from Roger. I wonder if he was ever told to call us.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

No call from Roger

Courtney had said that Roger would be calling today, but we didn't get a call from him. I'm assuming that he must have gotten swamped at other pools since he's always been great about calling back.

Deck pads all done being poured

Well, all the deck pads are poured, although they went ahead and poured one of them incorrectly. Oh well, guess we'll have to deal with that now.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Form day is finally here. Pour shows up a day early.

Today they came to finally fix the form on the deck pads and raised area of the patio. Unfortunately they only fixed 3 of the 4 incorrect areas. For some reason they ignored the orange lines on the 4th deck pad. This shouldn't have been to big of a problem, except for the fact that the cement truck showed up a day early and they poured cement in an incorrect form.

I called Courtney to let her know the situation and she said Roger would be calling me back.